Sunday, June 7, 2009

Annie asked me to post this above picture on my blog. She said it was her animal jail. She took this picture herself. Funny how al the animals look happy to be in jail. Like Drew Petersen! HA! A little political humor!
So at 7:45 this morning Mark decides he is going to paint the bathroom today. We just decided Friday that we didn't have time to paint it before they laid down tile this week and install the toilet. Well, talk about change of opinion! So this is pretty much where Mark spent his entire day. I was certainly okay paying someone else to do it later, but thankfully my frugal husband doesn't mind putting in some hard labor.

This is where Mark spent the rest of his day. We (I say we, but really I only stained three baseboards) stained last night until 9:30 but Mark really wanted to get a second coat on tonight. These are the first "real" doors we wil have in our house. I am so excited. I just may have Mark install a TV and a fridge in the bathroom so I never have to leave! Mark is still staining as I write this. He has piano lessons tomorrow night and we leave for my parents Wednesday afternoon. Time is so limited!


  1. So... uh, who taught her how to "play Jail"? Nice jean shorts Mark! :P

  2. Just FYI, I don't like this blogspot for commenting because it won't let me do it in Firefox, which I use all the time instead of IE.
    What do you mean, "real" doors? Real wood doors?
    Nice color, looks just like our study.

  3. Comments are working just fine for me in Firefox. What version are you using? I'm running v3.0.10

  4. I'm a laughing so hard at your political humor, Rah, that I'm crying. Girl, that was a good one!
