Saturday, December 12, 2009

Our week in review...

Tuesday we were hit with a snowstorm. All but Mark were secretly hoping for a "snow day" for Wednesday (Mark is part postal worker- in rain or shine he goes to work). Annie got off the bus on Tuesday afternoon, handed me her backpack and stayed outside playing in the snow, alone, for 2 hours. The end result were three very cute snow children!
This is our first Saturday in many that we have had virtually no plans. I paid the kids each a dollar to clean their rooms and the play room. Surprisingly there were minimal complaints. Afterward Mark and Sam built a marble ramp.

Annie found the craft box that Nana (Megan) had given her last year. In it were bags of play-dough and pieces to make your play-dough an animal. She entertained herself for a while with this. Although after 10 minutes each animal took turns falling over.

As for me, I stayed in my pjs until 11am (and it was glorious!). I finished writing my Christmas cards out this morning, made a batch of gingerbread boys, am in the middle of washing the floors now and made dinner in the crock pot at 9 am (which is the only time of day I am motivated to make dinner). Mark and I watched ELF last night while we wrapped family Christmas presents, I laughed out loud the whole time. That movie is f-u-n-n-y! The kids have been playing in the snow for a couple hours now with the neighbors, and I am enjoying the house to myself.
Hope you are all relaxed too!

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